Emotional Intimacy: The Missing Piece to Deep Connection
What is platonic emotional intimacy and how does it play into our ability to connect? What are some of the tools and mindsets for deeper connection with others? In this interview, Jessica Ward from Emotional Fire Academy interviews Alexandra Friedman about forming bonds using emotional intimacy, and the lessons she has learned from starting Connection Feast centered around doing just that!

Seattle Connection Feast Takeaways | Curiosity: How to connect with anyone, anywhere?
On Saturday January 29th in Seattle, Washington, Feasters joined us for an in-person social experience all around the topic of how they can use their curiosity to connect with anyone, anywhere. Here are the takeaways, resources, and pictures!

Ways you can seek out or deepen friendships
22 community-tested methods to forge closer friendships.

6 Things You Deserve in a Friendship
🤔How do you know that someone is a good friend for you? What should you expect (and provide) in a friendship? Check out these 6 things you deserve in a friendship, and then take 15 minutes to reflect on the friendships in your life.

How to Start a Conversation with Someone in Everyday Life?
😅How do you start a conversation with someone in everyday life?It might seem like an easy question, but for a lot of us it can be nerve-wracking. We've got a formula for that! Having a go-to formula for starting conversation is actually the best way to calm your nerves. Once you have the formula, the rest is easy because you're just basing your responses off of what the OTHER person says.