Things you should ideally feel totally normal saying in healthy relationships
🙋🏽♂️Things you should ideally feel totally normal saying in healthy relationships, but might feel awkward to say at first.
And these work for all relationship types:
📌 "Can you help me with..."
Asking for help and being specific is actually incredibly self-honoring. Just know that it's also ok for others to say "no."
📌"That sounds rough. I can't offer up much advice, but I can listen."
You can also tell someone that you might not have the emotional space to support them at this time. IT's also nice if someone asks you if you have the space to hear them out.
📌Start with "I" instead of "You."
"I" statements tend to be less critical, & help your listener feel less defensive as they might with "you" statements.
📌”I see it in a different way."
There are constructive ways to disagree, which can be hard to stick to when it feels like the other person is attacking you. Experiment with disagreeing with their point of view, & expressing it in a constructive way.
📌"It sounds like you're feeling [insert feeling] because [reason they might be feeling that way]. Did I hear you correctly?"
Practice active listening. It might feel awkward at first. Be ok with that. The cool thing about this saying is that if you don't hear them correctly, most likely they will tell you and rephrase what they said. This helps eliminate assumptions or miscommunication.