Feast Poll Results: Can you make love (happen)?
💟 Love is extremely powerful. It's a feeling so many people experience, yet it's one of the least understood emotions.
Study after study demonstrates that your body will exhibit tons of feel-good drug-like physiological and physical reactions to love that are out of your control.
Knowing this, do you think that love just happens to you, or you can make love happen? Can you choose love and make it be an active choice? And if love is a choice, how come sometimes it still doesn't seem to work?
🥰 Or maybe you think falling in love is a feeling and nothing more? Perhaps you know it when you experience it? It's euphoric and simple, and maybe even beyond your realm of influence? But what happens when this feeling fades or becomes strained? Do you question the relationship entirely? Or maybe how you're being treated or how you're treating your partner(s)?
Or maybe you have have never been in love or had it be mutual? Can you decide that you're going to find and make love happen? And if so, how do you do that?
🤔 You may not be able to control the physiological reactions that you experience as it relates to another person. But can you choose whether or not to proceed in loving them? Or, better yet, should you choose?
💬 On April 14, 2021 Feasters connected and discussed everything to do with love, and if you can deliberately make it happen. Check out the Feast poll results below.
Feast Polls