How to Take Off Your Mask & Become More Comfortable Being You
🤔How do you take off the masks you wear and start to become more comfortable being you?
Here are 5 concepts/steps to reflect on to support you on this mask removing journey.
And these aren’t Covid masks...
These are figurative masks, or versions of yourself you project to the world in order to feel more accepted & even loved by others.
So, how can you start to remove your mask & show your more genuine self?
What can you do so you can become more comfortable with being you?
Increase Your Self-Awareness
What about your personality & your life lights you up? What brings you joy?
What do most people not know about you?
What values & traits are so important to you that you feel like they are part of how you live your life?
Recognize the Masks You Do Wear
Wearing a mask is not always negative. Sometimes it's how you adapt to a scary or uninviting situation.
Reflect each day on the masks you wear in different situations & why.
Be careful not to confuse a mask for your entire identity.
Be Vulnerable
You might wear a mask because you're afraid of what others will think of you.
But have you considered that maybe you're your toughest critic?
Explore sharing an unfiltered version of yourself. When you can laugh & be comfortable with your flaws, you won't care as much when when someone else judges you.
Feedback is a Gift
When you are genuine, you encourage others in your life to be so too.
These same people are your mirrors that reflect your blind spots.
They can make you more aware of the masks you wear...What you do about it is up to you.
Embrace Change
Being genuine and removing the masks you wear doesn’t mean you should live a fixed life or have a static self.
Your interests, values, and traits change through time, and so will your identity.