
Thank you for being a part of our Connection Feast Community. We’re so glad you’re here!

Eventbrite Promo Code

As a Feaster member, you get discounts on many of the Connection Feast offerings. We’ve created a promo code for you to use when signing up for events. This promo code will last throughout the Growth Feast Series and will change in early 2022.

The Feaster Promo Code fo Fall 2021:


We know, so original!

Your Feaster Discounts

Virtual Deep Conversations

$10 Tickets

(Save $10)

Virtual Game Nights

$10 Tickets

(Save $5)

In-person Social Gatherings

$45 Tickets

(Save $5)

 Say Hi to your new Feaster friends on our private Discord chat server

Share Your Feedback or Stories

This is just the beginning, and Connection Feast will grow and evolve over time. Your feedback and ideas are critical to building a community we all want to be a part of. We also want to hear any stories about your wins or new friendships you’ve formed.