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Connection Workshop | Friendships & Vulnerability (Make Closer Friendships!)

👋🏽 Join us for a free virtual, 90-minute Connection Workshop where you’ll learn how to be more vulnerable so you can experience deeper and more meaningful friendships.

🤩 If you're interested in connecting deeper with both yourself and with other people in your life, and have an open mind to look at yourself and how vulnerability within your relationships has impacted your life…Then this Connection Workshop is for you! Join us!

😬 Modern day loneliness isn't because you need to necessarily just interact more or more often with friends (although that helps), it's often because you need to be more vulnerable so people can experience the real you.

When you're vulnerable you can build closer relationships because you allow yourself to show the unique truths of who you are and what you're experiencing in life (and want to experience).

But you know this can be hard to do! Especially because you most likely grew up seeing vulnerability portrayed as a weakness, when in reality, it's actually extremely refreshing and relatable.

⬇️ Why take this Connection Workshop?

😍 In this workshop, you will explore what vulnerability within friendships really means, and how you can effortlessly create more of it in your everyday life so you can build, maintain, and strengthen your friendships as an adult.

Tickets go quickly!


  • Date: Tuesday, January 16th

  • Times: 90 minutes | 12:00pm - 1:30pm PT

  • Where: Online via Zoom

  • Cost: Free! (My gift to you)

  • What to bring: Journal & pen

  • Connection Host: Alexandra Friedman


  • Register and snag your seat

  • Log in to Zoom a few mins before it begins (zoom link will be on the online event page on Eventbrite)

  • Bring a snack, lunch, or drink if you're feeling it

  • Join in on the workshop and reflection prompts, interact with other attendees who are live at the workshop, and then experience (by watching or raising your hand) connection coaching all around the theme of vulnerability and friendships

  • Recording: We will be recording this Workshop and sending registrants the link. You'll have access for one month (until 5pm PT on February 13, 2024) to watch the replay.


  • Workshop all around vulnerability (~45 mins)

  • Prompts to reflect on // Takeaways to use in "real life"

  • Learn about how you can continue down your path of social wellness so you can embody the skills you need to spark deeper human connection with yourself and others.

  • Connection Coaching with Alexandra Friedman: Opportunity to submit questions regarding making deeper friendships as an adult, and and potentially get some direct coaching or learn from others being coaches.

What is Connection Feast:

Connection Feast is a community of people motivated to create more fulfilling human connections.

Join us for in-person and virtual experiences (like this Feast!) which include intentional and guided conversation, games, and activities all around a thought-provoking theme.

The goal of the Connection Feast isn’t just to have you attend a one-time event. A Feast helps people like you explore big questions through intentional conversations and social experiences, so you’ll build deeper relationships with yourself, each other, and the world.


🙆🏽‍♂️ We have a large community and post our events on Eventbrite, Meetup, Facebook, Insta, and beyond. So lucky you, you'll connect with inspiring folks from all over! We are a community of all sorts of people, races, sexual identities, and interests. Welcome all!

Community Agreements: Connection Feast should be a comfortable and safe experience for everyone, and as a Feaster you have a responsibility to help us achieve this. All Feasters who reserve a seat are required to abide by our Terms of Service and Community Agreements. If a Feaster engages in unacceptable behavior, the Connection Feast host and/or facilitators may take any action they deem appropriate.

Please follow @ConnectionFeast on Instagram for Feast event updates and to stay connected.

January 11

Social Event | How to make closer friendships (And why you need them)?

February 15

Social Event | How to create magnetic connection?